For example, you can query the layers that are part of a topology, but you cannot query the topology itself.įeature services also allow queries on related data. Layers that are part of nonsimple types, such as geometric networks, topologies, and network datasets, are supported, but the types themselves are not returned by the service. If these layers are present in your map document when you attempt to publish a map service with feature access enabled, you encounter analyzer errors. Query layers that contain virtual columns, where clauses, or joins.The following data types are not supported in feature services: There are some nonsimple data types (for example, network edges), however, that must be versioned for you to edit them through a feature service. Esri recommends you use nonversioned in feature services, because nonversioned data scales better for editing. Versioned and nonversioned geodatabase data is supported.
Note that you cannot just change the projection in ArcMap or an ArcGIS Pro map before you publish the data must use the same projection and coordinate reference system as the editing client. For example, if you plan to add the feature service to the ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS map viewer to edit, the data must be stored in WGS 1984 Web Mercator (Auxiliary Sphere).
If you allow edits on the feature service and the feature service contains feature classes that participate in a geometric network, the feature class data must be in the same projection and coordinate reference system used by the editing client application. When using operating system authentication, these permissions must be granted to the ArcGIS Server account. Write permissions on the data are required if you plan to allow edits to the data. For example, if your database contains an enterprise geodatabase, you cannot publish a spatial table from the database that is not registered with the geodatabase. All data must be registered with the geodatabase. All data must be from a single geodatabase. The following describe feature service data requirements specific to data stored in an enterprise or workgroup geodatabase: Enterprise or workgroup geodatabase-specific requirements Virtual layers, such as route events, x,y events, and parcel fabrics, are read-only through the feature service. If features with m-values are edited through the feature service in ArcMap with the local editing commands, all editing operations are supported.Īlso, if you plan to add the feature service to ArcMap to edit it, include only one layer per feature class when authoring the map document. All new features have their m-values set to NaN when inserted through the REST and SOAP endpoints. If you have data that has m-values, these features can be deleted, new features can be inserted, and the attributes of existing features can be edited however, the geometry cannot be edited. For more information, see Editing features with z-values in feature services. You can edit features that have z-values. For more information on designing a map to overlay online maps and services, see Designing a map to overlay ArcGIS Online, Google Maps, and Bing Maps. Another alternative is to use an ArcGIS Online basemap. For more information about planning your operational and basemap services, see Map service planning. Publish data that you don't want to edit, such as basemap layers, in a different service. If you are planning to use the feature service for editing, it is recommended that you only add data to the map document that you want to edit. If no spatial reference is defined, you cannot publish the data. If it does not, specify one in ArcMap before you publish. The data must have a valid spatial reference defined for it. Requirements common to geodatabases and databases The ability to publish a feature service from ALTIBASE, Teradata, or SAP HANA data is new in ArcGIS 10.3.1.